The Benefits of Natural Peppermint and Green Tea Extracts

The Benefits of Natural Peppermint and Green Tea Extracts


The Benefits of Natural Peppermint and Green Tea Extracts

by Kimberly Anne Williams
Editor In Chief, The Anti-Aging Review

Peppermint is well-known for its natural aroma, instant cooling and refreshing effects while, green tea extract is also a potent antioxidant. There are extracts from the fresh leaves of the plants. Besides, peppermint extract works synergistically with green tea extract, these two extracts exert the antiseptic properties.

Benefits of Natural Peppermint and Green Tea Extracts

✓ Anti- bacterial – Moor, peppermint and green tea extracts contain high proportions of natural phenol substances, which has antiseptic properties.
✓ Natural aroma and extracts – All active ingredients are of natural sources, which work synergistically with each other.

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